Release Date: 05/17/2024
Find out in this article which
- new features are available,
- improvements were implemented for users and which
- bugs have been fixed in version 1.17.1 of the Workflow.
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previously published versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.17.1, users have access to a number of new features in the environment of Impositions and the VDP Editor. In addition, improvements have been made to Data Preparation, Color Setup and the management of print data, as well as further translations have been carried out.
Find an overview of all changes below. The detailed description follows in the sections on new features, improvements and bug fixes.
The following SDK versions are used in DW 1.17.1:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox 15.0.633
- Callas Software pdfChip 2.5.084
- Color Logic CrossXColor 1.21.2-48797
- Global Graphics HHR 14.0.0
Installation of an update for versions higher than 1.17.0
Workflow version 1.17.1, 1.17.2 and 1.18.0 and all future versions can only be installed if Workflow version 1.17.0.(956) or higher has been installed first. This means that a direct update from an earlier version, e.g. 1.16.x, 1.15.x and 1.14.x, cannot be carried out without first installing 1.17.0 (956)! The reason for this were internal improvements in the migration logic, which were introduced in version 1.17.0 (956) or higher. Make sure that version 1.17.0.(956) has already been installed before updating.
Therefore, an update from a Workflow version lower than 1.14.0 to version 1.17.1 and higher has to be carried out to version 1.14.0 and only then to 1.17.0.(956)!
Workstation: Harlequin Host Renderer (HHR) requirements as of version 1.17.0
The HHR-RIP from Global Graphics has updated its hardware requirements with version 14.0, which is integrated with workflow version 1.17.0.
When the system fails to comply with these requirements, a warning or message is displayed in the System Status dialog in File Management from version 1.18.1. If the requirements are not met or ignored, it could be possible that certain Production Jobs are processed incorrectly or canceled with an error.
These are the minimum requirements for the instruction set of your CPU:
- 1996 MMX Intel MMX extensions for x86 architecture
- 1998 3DNow!
- 1999 SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions
- 2000 SSE2
- 2004 SSE3
- 2006 SSSE3
- 2007 SSE4
- 2007 SSE4.1 Minimal level required by Windows 11
- 2008 SSE4.2
- 2009 XOP, FMA4, F16C
- 2011 AVX Advanced Vector Extensions
- 2013 AVX2
- 2016 AVX-512
No upgrade possible for versions older than 1.9.0
Please note that with the release of version 1.17.1 an upgrade of versions older than 1.9.0 is no longer possible!
1.1. New Features
The following new features are available in version 1.17.1 of the Workflow:
VDP Editor: Since version 1.12.0, the VDP Editor has been available in Workflow for creating and managing variable data in the browser. In version 1.17.1, one new feature was implemented in the VDP Editor:
- Knockout variable elements – In this version the possibility to set variable elements to knockout was created.
Impose Editor: Existing functions in the Impose Editor have been expanded and improved with version 1.17.1. This primarily includes enhancements to the Nesting Imposition mode. In addition, marks have been added and improvements and enhancements for Cutter Device marks have been implemented.
- Nesting Optimization – Guillotine Cut – As of this version, it is possible to perform an optimization for Nesting with activated Guillotine Cut.
- Sheet Template – Omet Marks – As of this version, marks of the type Omet Marks can be placed and saved for a Sheet Template.
- Sheet Template – BOBST Power Marks – As of this version, Bobst Register Marks can be placed and saved for a Sheet Template.
- Tiling – Overlap Mode – For the Tiling Impose mode the possibility of handling overlaps more flexibly has been created. For that purpose, four new overlap modes have been developed, and the user guidance has been revised.
- Register Marks for Cutter Devices – As part of version 1.17.1, the logic for placing marks in the Impose Editor has been restructured and standardized for Workflow version V2.
Color Setup – Controlling the calculation of DeviceN Spot Colors: For calculating DeviceN Spot Color values, the Clip to function has been added to the Calculate Substrate Profile dialog of a Color Setup. With this function, it is possible to ignore the output values of the Spot Color below the selected value.
"Cartes Laser Cutter" enhancement: From this version onwards, additional parameters are offered for the "Cartes Laser Cutter" Cutter Device. These parameters allow defining the most frequently used settings.
Data Preparation: In the course of developing version 1.17.1, new Fixups specifically Add Wind Slits and Scale Page Content were added, and existing Fixups were improved in terms of functionality and user guidance.
1.2. Improvements
The following improvements to existing functions have been made in version 1.17.1 of the Workflow:
Die Cut - general improvements: Since version 1.17.0, Workflow users have been able to manage One-Ups and N-Ups, use the One-Up for data preparation, and impose a Die Cut (N-Up) with the corresponding Print Items. With version 1.17.1, further small improvements have been carried out.
Grid Charts – Restructuring: In this version, the menu navigation in Color > Color Books and Grid Charts has been restructured. The handling of classic Grid Charts has been improved and the working method has been synchronized with the Tonal Value / Overprinting Spot Colors Grid Charts.
Ink Cost Calculation - additional information: As of version 1.17.1, it is possible to display the ink price per liter as well as the ink consumption in Euro per square meter.
Small Improvements: Further small improvements have been implemented.
1.3. Fixed Bugs
Workflow: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
VDP Editor: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the VDP Editor.
2. New Features
Find out in this section which new features have been implemented in the Impose Editor and Workflow. In some cases, existing functions have been expanded.
2.1. VDP Editor
A browser-based VDP Editor for creating and outputting variable data has been available since Workflow version 1.12.0. Further improvements have been implemented in version 1.17.1. Find out more in the following section.
2.1.1. Variable Knocked-out Elements
In version 1.17.1, it is now possible to set variable elements to Knockout or transparent in the VDP Editor and transfer them to the printer. This can be done by defining the Spot Color used for the variable element in the respective file or via the specification in the CSV file - the values must be 0/0/0/0 in CMYK. Another option is to set the element to this transparent or Knockout value directly in the VDP Editor.
To do this proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the VDP Editor for the Print Item of a Production Job via the desired Production Job > Variable Data.
- Create the desired variable element.
- Open the Format tab.
- In Color Settings enter the CMYK value 0/0/0/0.
- The variable element is set to Knockout against the background.
- Save the settings.
- Send the Production Job with the knocked-out variable element to the printer.
Figure 1: The settings area Color Settings in the Format tab in the VDP Editor

2.2. Impose Editor
Existing functions in the Impose Editor have been expanded and improved with version 1.17.1. These include new features and improvements in Nesting, enhancements in Marks and improvements for Cutter Device Marks.
2.2.1. Nesting Optimization with Guillotine Cut
In version 1.17.1 the optimization for an Imposition can be saved when the Guillotine cut option is activated in the Nesting Impose Mode. This means that during production fewer cuts are required when cutting the Sheet.
Proceed as follows to optimize an Imposition with a guillotine cut:
- Navigate to Automation > Impose Editor and create a Nesting Imposition.
- Open the Artboard Settings tab [1].
- In the Nesting Options settings area, activate the Guillotine Cut optimized checkbox [2].
- The Print Items are arranged "cut-optimized".
- Click on the Start Optimization button [3] to optimize the arrangement of the placed Print Items.
Figure 2: The settings area Nesting Options of the Impose Editor with the possibility to start an Optimization for a Guillotine Cut
- Select from the calculated optimizations in the Optimization settings area.
- Click on the respective Optimization Result [4] to view the desired result i.e. use the result for production.
Figure 3: The optimized result of the Imposition with activated Guillotine Cut
2.2.2. OMET Marks
In version 1.17.1 the Omet Marks mark type has been added in the Impose Editor. The new type can be used in an Impose Sheet template as well as in the Markers tab in the Marks settings area. This allows users to add the required marks for finishing steps with Omet in the Imposition.
Proceed as follows to add an Omet Mark for a Sheet Template:
- Open the Impose Editor in the desired Imposition mode.
- In the General tab, click on the Edit Sheet Configuration symbol [5].
Figure 4: The settings area General with the possibility to edit the Sheet Configuration

- The corresponding Sheet Configuration dialog opens.
- In the settings area Marks, select the Omet Mark type.
- The mark is set to the Position ImageBox + Bleed [6] position for the Sheet Template. When defining the mark in the Markers settings area of the Marker tab for the Impose Template, select either Image Box or ImageBox + Bleed for the Position.
- Define the Offset for the Register Mark and the Rectangle Mark [7].
- Click on Save Template to save or overwrite the template.
Figure 5: The settings area Sheet Configuration with the possibility to add Omet Marks
2.2.3. BOBST Power Register Marks
In version 1.17.1 also the BOBST Power Register Marks type has been added to the Impose Editor. These marks can be added in the same way as described for the Omet markers in section 2.2.2.
Set the following parameters for the BOBST Power Register mark:
- Register Line - Start Edge [8]: these settings (Indent, Offset, Stroke Width and Safety Zone) are mainly needed in the folding carton industry and affect the line at the bottom of the sheet.
- Register Line - left/right [9]: use these settings (Offset from Edge, Offset from Stop Edge, Stroke Width, Length and Safety Zone X / Y) to determine the fixed length and position of a defined offset starting from the left and right edge of the sheet.
- Color Options [10]: determine the coloring of the BOBST Power Register mark in CMYK or the desired Spot Color.
Figure 6: The settings are Sheet Configuration with the possibility to add a BOBST Power Register mark
2.2.4. Tiling – Overlap Mode
In version 1.17.1, the option to select an overlap mode was created for the Tiling Impose mode. This feature allows users to handle overlaps more flexibly. In the course of the development, the user guidance has been adapted by deactivating input fields that are not applicable.
Proceed as follows to access these new modes:
- Navigate to Automation > Impose Editor.
- Create an Imposition in the Tiling Impose Mode.
- Open the Tiling tab.
- Select the desired mode in the Overlap Mode [11] selection field.
Figure 7: The Tiling tab in the Impose Editor with the four new Overlap Modes

"Manual" Mode
In the "Manual" Mode overlap mode, a Dieline encloses the overlap, which is set manually for each Tile. The overlap can be configured separately for each tile. This means the overlap can look different for Tile 1 and Tile 2.
Proceed as follows to configure the tiles manually:
- Select the Overlap Mode Manual.
- Switch to Tile View [13].
- Use the page navigation [12] to navigate to the desired Tile.
- Determine the values for the Overlap [16] and the Printed Overlap [19].
- The number in the yellow bubbles shows how many tiles have separate configurations for Overlap [14] and Printed Overlap [17].
- Use the page navigation [12] to switch to the next tile. Again, specify the desired values for the currently selected tile.
Figure 8: A Tile in the Manual Overlap Mode with different parameters for Tile 2
- Alternatively, enter the values for the Overlap and the Printed Overlap in one dialog. Consequently, click Configure Overlap [15] or Configure Printed Overlaps [18].
- In the respective dialog e.g. Printed Overlap, click on the values [19] that should be changed.
- A separate window opens in which you can edit the values for the respective tile again.
- Click on Save [21] to save these values.
- Confirm the values again by clicking Save [20] to apply them to the Imposition or Reset the changes you have made.
Figure 9: The dialog Overlap Configuration
"Only for Overlaps" Mode
In the Only for Overlaps mode [22], the Dieline encloses the overlap - excluding the outer borders - on both sides. Please note that editing the values in this mode is only possible in the Overall View [23]!
Figure 10: A tile in the Overlap Mode Only for Overlaps
"Overlaps and Outer Borders" Mode
In the overlap mode Overlaps and Outer Borders [24] the Dieline encloses the overlap on all sides of the Tile as well as the edges of the Tile. Please note - editing the values in this mode is only available in the Overall View [25]!
Figure 11: The Overlap Mode Overlaps and Outer Borders
"Adapted to Construction" Mode
The overlap mode Adapted to Construction [26] corresponds to the previous behavior in Tiling mode. In this overlap mode, the Dieline only encloses the defined overlap in the construction direction. Please note - editing the values in this mode is only possile in the Overall View [27]!
Figure 12: A Tile in the overlap mode Adapted to Construction
2.2.5. Register Marks for Cutter Devices
The internal rules for placing register marks for Cutter Devices have been revised. From version 1.17.1, the placement now always follows the same logic (Workflow V2 logic). This means that changes in this environment can be developed and adapted more quickly.
No changes will be noticeable in the user interface of the application itself.
2.3. Color Setup – Calculation of DeviceN Spot Color Values
In version 1.17.1, the possibility to clip color values to the set percentage value when calculating the DeviceN Spot Color values was created. Until this version, this was not possible and led to values of 1% or 2% in the individual Spot Color separations. As of this version, the value per channel can be clipped to the set percentage value during the calculation.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Color > Color Setups.
- Open the already created Color Setup and click on the Profile step.
- Click on the Calculate Substrate Profiles button.
- The dialog Calculate Substrate Profiles is opened.
- In the Spot Color tab of this dialog enter the desired percentage value in the Clip to [28] input field. Note that you will have to recalculate the Profile.
Figure 13: The dialog Calculate Substrate Profiles with the new function Clip to
2.4. Cartes Laser Cutter Enhancements
Up to this version, some parameters that are required in practice for the "Cartes Laser Cutter" Cutter Device were added. From version 1.17.1 it is possible to set the following parameters:
- Fixed Cutfile Size [29] - Explanation (TBD)
Horizontal Justification of Cutdata [30] - choose between
. - Horizontal Justification Offset of Cutdata [31] - enter the additional offset in the horizontal direction.
Vertical Justification of Cutdata [32] - select between
. - Vertical Justification Offset of Cutdata [33] - enter the additional offset in the vertical direction.
- Cutfile Height (mm) [34] - Explanation (TBD) and
- Cutfile Width (mm) [35] - Explanation (TBD) for the Cutter Device.
Figure 14: The Parameters tab in the menu Administration > Cutter Devices of the Cartes Laser Cutter with the parameters which are available from this version onward
2.5. Data Preparation
In the course of developing version 1.17.1, new Fixups were added and existing Fixups were expanded in terms of functionality and improved in terms of usability.
2.5.1. New Fixups
In version 1.17.1, several new Fixups have been implemented, which were requested by customers in the labelling and large format environment.
Add Wind Slits
The Fixup Add Wind Slits can be used to create a grid of wind slits in the selected size according to the defined number of columns and rows. By entering the offset for top/left and bottom/right, the position for the top left and bottom right wind slit can be defined in the grid.
Figure 15: The Basic Settings tab in the dialog of the Fixup Add Wind Slits
The following options are available for creating wind slits:
- Templates [36] - Settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Articles/Print Items.
Basic Settings
- Number of Columns [37] – specify the number of wind slits in the horizontal direction.
- Number of Rows [43] – specify the number of wind slits in the vertical direction.
- Offset [38] – determine how far away from the edge (ImageBox) the top/bottom and leftmost/rightmost point of a wind slit should be placed.
- Diameter horizontal [39] – determine the width of the semicircle that will be placed as a wind slit on the Print Item. Please note that you enter the diameter of a circle. The semicircle is therefore only half of the circle.
- Diameter vertical [44] – determine the height of the semicircle that will be placed as a wind slit on the Print Item. Please note that you enter the diameter of a circle. The semicircle is therefore only half of the circle.
- Spot Color Name [40] – select the Spot Color with which the Dieline for the wind slits should be created. As a general rule opt for a system-wide technical Spot Color that is available for selection alongside all other system-wide Spot Colors.
- Line Width [41] – define the line width of the Dieline.
Rotate [45] – if, for whatever reason, the wind slits have to be rotated, select this option. The following options are available:
- 180° – the wind slit will be rotated by 180°.
- 90° counterclockwise – the wind slit will be rotated 90° counterclockwise – i.e. 270°.
- 90° clockwise – the wind slit will be rotated 90° clockwise.
- 0° (Apply page rotation parameter only) – the wind slits themselves are not rotated. However, if a side rotation is set, this option will be carried out.
- Layer Name [46] – enter the name of the Layer on which the wind slits should be created. If you don’t want to create a separate Layer, remove the name from the input field.
- Conformity of Processing Steps according to ISO 19593-1 [47] – Wind slits should be created by default in accordance with ISO 19593-1 on the Structural layer in the Structural group of the Cutting type. Further information on the ISO standard can be found in the description Processing Steps ISO 15931-1.
Scale Page Content - Width and Height
The Fixup Scale Page Content - Width and Height can be used to scale the page content of the TrimBox to a specific size by entering the target size for the width and height. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the scaling.
Figure 16: The dialog of the new fixup Scale Page Content - Width and Height
The following options can be used to scale the page content by specifying the target width and target height:
- Template [48] – settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Articles/Print Items.
Scale Method [49] – select which scale method should be used. The following options are available in the selection menu:
- Fit from inside (Scale page edges proportionally) – scales the image area of the ImageBox to the specified size. Only the resolution of the images is adjusted according to the enlargement or reduction as the proportions are retained. The short edge of the target size is used for the calculation. Please note that if you enter a value for the Width and the Height, the other value is adjusted accordingly.
- Fit from inside (Add white space) – with this sizing option, the user can enter the value for the Width and the value for the Height independently of each other. This means that the aspect ratio usually no longer remains proportional to the original size. Furthermore, the image area of the ImageBox is fitted to the specified Width or Height and accordingly filled with a white space.
- Fit from outside (Cut page) – with this option, the user can enter the value for the Width as well as the value for the Height independently of each other. This means that the aspect ratio usually no longer remains proportional to the original size. Furthermore, the image area of the ImageBox is adjusted to the specified Width or Height and the image is cropped.
- Fit from outside (Scale page edges proportionally) – scales the image area to fit the specified size from the outside. As the proportions are retained, only the resolution of the images is adjusted according to the enlargement or reduction. The Width and the Height of the target file is used for the calculation. Please note that if you enter a value for the Width and the Height, the other value is adjusted accordingly.
- Stretch to fill – with this scaling option, the user can enter the value for the Width and the value for the Height independently of each other. The image box is completely filled with the image, even if the image area has to be distorted disproportionately as a result.
- Scaling by percentage [50] – shows the current scaling of the Width and Height of the TrimBox with 100%. By entering a different value, the Width and Height of the TrimBox are recreated based on the selected scaling method.
- Scaling absolute [51] – shows the current scaling of the Width and Height of the TrimBox with 100%. By entering a different value, the Width and Height of the TrimBox are recreated based on the selected scaling method.
- Width [52] – the value for the target size for the width is entered here.
- Height [54] – the value for the target value for the height is entered here.
Pages [53] – for multi-page files, it is possible to select the pages that should be scaled. Examples for entering the page selection are provided in the infobox [55]. The following entries can have an effect on the page selection:
- All – All pages are scaled.
- 8 – Page 8 is scaled.
- 1-6 – Pages 1 to 6 are scaled.
- -3-1 – the last 3 pages are scaled.
- even – all even pages are scaled.
- odd – alle odd pages are formated.
- 1-5,8,13-16 – pages 1 to 5, page 8 as well as pages 13 to 16 are scaled.
Available in Print Item detail view
Please note that this Fixup is not available in the Print Items detail view in version 1.17.1 and 1.17.2. Until version 1.18.0, you will have to settle for the existing Fixup Scale Page Content with which you can scale the page content based on the long and short edge. With version 1.18.0, this Fixup will be available to all Workflow users.
2.5.2. Improvements in existing Fixups
For some existing Fixups functions have been added or the user guidance was improved.
Create Line on selected Box
Forthis Fixup, the user guidance has been improved and the Blend Mode [55] for the line that should be created was added. Find a detailed description of the Fixup in the article Create Line on selected Box.
Figure 17: The dialog of the Fixup Create Line on selected Box
Create Spot Color Separation depending on Total Ink Coverage
Depending on the Total Ink Coverage the Fixup Create Spot Color depending on Total Ink Coverage can create a separation in the selected Spot Color from the current page content. The higher the total color ink coverage, the lower the percentage value of the ink coverage in the separation. Use this Fixup, for example, to create a white channel dependent on the total ink coverage - or any other system-wide defined Spot Color - to reduce ink costs or ink application. The following new feature is available from version 1.17.1:
- Exclude Spot Colors that are defined as "Output as Separation" [56] – by activating this option, all system-wide defined Spot Colors that are defined as "Output as Separation" are excluded from the Fixups.
Figure 18: The Advanced tab of the Fixup Create Spot Color Separation depending on Total Ink Coverage with the new option Exclude Spot Colors that are defined as "Output as Separation"
Crop to Visible Area
At first glance, no changes have been made in the Fixup Crop to Visible Area. However, in 1.17.1 the functionality has been improved so that the TrimBox remains on the visible area of the Print Item, while the BleedBox is placed on the safety margin.
Figure 19: The dialog of the Fixup Crop to Visible Area

Add Grommets/Drillholes
With the Fixup Add Grommets/Drillholes add grommets or drillholes to the selected horizontal or vertical edges. Select whether a certain number of grommets should be added or define the spacing. Define the size and color of the grommets/drillholes that should be created in the "Advanced" tab. The following new features are available from version 1.17.1:
- Create Grommets for [57] – In this selection field choose whether grommets or drillholes should be created from the ImageBox or the ImageBox + Bleed.
- Offset (Top, Left, Bottom, Right) [58] – it's only possible to enter positive values that shift the offset of the grommets inwards from the selected box.
Figure 20: The dialog of the Fixup Add Grommets/Drillholes with the new options

Set TrimBox to the Dieline
With the Fixup Set TrimBox to the Dieline it is possible to set the TrimBox to the selected Dieline and the BleedBox at a defined distance from the TrimBox. The Print Item is then cropped to the BleedBox. The following new features are available from version 1.17.1:
- Select Dieline [59] – the "Overprint status" of the selected Spot Color is displayed in the selection list from this version onward.
Figure 21: The dialog of the Fixup Set TrimBox to the Dieline
2.5.3. Set Template as Default
In many Fixups, selecting a Template [60] and saving a new template with the currently selected values is possible. With version 1.17.1, it is now possible for the first time to set a template as the default [62] and to copy the GUID [61] (unique ID for this template) to the clipboard. Thereby, the template can then be used in an XML or JSON file to control the Fixup.
Figure 22: The Fixup Create Spot Color Separation depending on Total Ink Coverage with selected Template as well as the options for copying the GUID and setting the template as default
3. Improvements
In Version 1.17.1 of the Workflow some more small improvements were implemented, these are:
3.1. Die Cut Library – General Enhancements
In Administration > Die Cuts Library and when creating a One-Up from an Article or Print Item, some general improvements have been implemented and translations added.
These include the following issues:
Create One-Up from Print Item
In the Process menu of the detail view of an Article or Print Item, translations have been made for all sub-steps of the function Create One-Up from Print Item.
Figure 23: The dialogs of the Process Create One-Up from Print Item in their successive order
N-Up Editor
In the N-Up Editor tab of the Die Cut Library, improvements have been implemented in the Bleed Definition step. From this version onwards, it is possible to confirm the Bleed with the default value "0 mm" by clicking on the Next button [64] . Other values than the default value must be generated via the button Generate Bleed [63] and confirmed by clicking on Next.
Figure 24: The General tab with the Bleed Definition in the N-Up Editor

3.2. Grid Charts Restructuring
Over time, more and more Grid Chart types have been offered in the Workflow. As a result, the procedure for creating Grid Charts has changed and the live display of the layout that should be printed has also changed.
With version 1.17.0, first steps have been taken to standardize the creation and visualization of the displayed information. The following changes were implemented in version 1.17.1 for the individual Grid Charts:
Merging of Tabs
In version 1.17.1, the two tabs Grid Chart and Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Chart have been merged in Color > Color Books & Grid Charts.
To access the respective Grid Charts, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Color > Color Books & Grid Charts
- Open the Grid Chart tab [65].
- Click on Add [66] - you now have the option of creating the following Grid Charts:
- Create Grid Chart - classic grid chart for a system-wide Spot Color
- Create Grid Charts of Tonal Values and
- Create Grid Chart of overprinting Spot Colors
Figure 25: The tab Grid Chart in the menu Color > Color Books & Grid Charts

Live Display of the Grid Charts Layout
From version 1.17.1, it is also possible to create a live preview for the classic Grid Chart that is true to the output. This was already implemented in the previous version for the Tonal Value or Overprint Grid Charts.
The preview for the Grid Chart is displayed on the defined Sheet Size in the Layout step.
Figure 26: The display of the correct Preview in the Layout tab of the Add Grid Chart dialog
3.3. Ink Cost Calculation and Consumption – Detailed Information
From version 1.17.1, additional information can be used to calculate ink costs. This includes the newly integrated display of ink consumption in milliliters per square meter as well as the display of consumption in euros per square meter.
Proceed as follows to call up this information:
- Navigate to Production Jobs and open a Production Job.
- In the Print Items tab, select the Statistics tab.
- Now enter the desired Calculation Options [67] for the selected Print Items.
- Click on Calculate [68].
- The additional column "ml/m²" and "€/m²" is displayed, which shows the milliliter consumption of the Print Items per square meter and the consumption in euros per square meter.
Figure 27: The Statistics tab of a Print Item in a Production Job
3.4. Small Improvements
The following improvements were additionally implemented.
Sheet Template – Tooltip Enhancement: A tooltip has been integrated for the Impose Sheet template to display long names. Until this version, the display of long names was only possible to a limited extent.
Figure 28: The selection list of Sheet Templates with displayed tooltip for a template with a long name

Impose Editor – Nesting Default Result: When optimizing a Nesting Imposition, only the optimized optimization results were displayed in the list of optimizations. As of this version, the display of the standard result (before optimization) is also shown for better comparison.
Shares – Check Localhost Connection: For the local host, the option to check the shares in Administration > File Management has been removed, as this is not technically necessary for this host.
Inks – Import: The list of available inks has been updated in Administration > Inks.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) have been fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
Production Job – Output Configuration: Up to this version, it could happen that the Output Configuration for a Production Job could not be changed in the Send to Printer dialog. This error has been fixed.
Preview of a DeviceN or Lab Spot Color: For Spot Colors with DeviceN or Lab values, it could happen that the display of the Spot Colors changed for the Spot Colors Definition. This behavior has been fixed.
Convert »White« to 0/0/0/0 – Third-Party Printers: For third-party printers, it could happen that when activating the option "Convert White" to 0/0/0/0 in Administration > General > RIP Settings, a Production Job without white could not be transferred to a printer with a white channel. This error has been fixed.
License Status – Display Error: Up to this version, an error was displayed for licensed printers if the number of licensed printers corresponded to the number of installed printers. This behavior has been fixed.
Layout Template One-Up – Output Configuration: When downloading the layout template for a One-Up, it could happen that the default setting of the used CMYK profile was not used for the output condition. This behavior has been fixed.
4.2. Impose Editor
Guillotine Cut – Saving the Optimization: Up to this version, it was not possible to save optimizations for Impositions with Guillotine Cut. This error has been fixed.
Shape Nesting – Rotation Settings: For Shape Nesting, it sometimes happened that the settings for the rotation of Print Items wasn’t applied. This error has been fixed.
4.3. VDP Editor
Swiss QR Code — Example Display: The valid example for the Swiss QR code was not fully displayed in the barcode settings. This behavior has been fixed.
5. Hotfixes
The name for the April 30, 2024 release was "DW Build 1.17.1(970)". No hotfixes have yet been released for this version.