User Manual – Durst

3.108 Resize TrimBox

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Learn in this article,

  • which requirements are needed for this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

In the Workflow the Fixup Resize TrimBox is available. The aim of this Fixup is merely to adjust the size of the TrimBox, thus to work with exact sizes in production.

2. General

Use this Fixup after checking-in the print data if it turns out that the TrimBox doesn't have the desired size and needs to be adjusted slightly.

This Fixup can be found in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields area under the Print Data tab of an Article, Production Job or Order or under the Data Preparation tab.

3. Fixup Description

This Fixup changes the size of the TrimBox by altering the frame i.e. Box size for the specified page. However, it does not allow entering an absolute size for the TrimBox. The user can only move the selected page(s), either by increasing with "+" or decreasing with "-". All other existing page geometry boxes are not affected by this Fixup, unless the size of theTrimBox moves beyond that of the Media- or BleedBox. In this case, the Media and Bleed boxes are adjusted accordingly.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

To ensure that this Fixup works correctly, the following requirements must be met:

  • The Print Item must have a defined TrimBox.

The easiest way to create a Page Box is to use the Fixups Set TrimBox to the Dieline, Derive Page Geometry Boxes from CropMarks, Derive a PageBox from Colored Objects or Set Page Boxes.

Figure 1: The Resize TrimBox Fixup dialog.

PMS WebGui :: Data Preparation

You can choose from the following options (when unlocking the lock icon):

  • Template [1] – settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Articles/Print Items.
  • Top – Moves the top edge of the TrimBox (»+« up or »-« down)
  • Bottom – Moves the bottom edge of the TrimBox (»+« up or »-« down)
  • Left – Moves the left edge of the TrimBox (»+« up or »-« down)
  • Right – Moves the right edge of the TrimBox (»+« up or »-« down) 
  • Variable Content [2] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for Top, Bottom, Left and Right should be retrieved.

4. Before/After

In the source file "Inaccurate_TrimBox_Start.pdf" the TrimBox has an effective width of 94.87 mm and the effective height of 142.98 mm. Since the Print item is cut with a laser cutter, the effective size should be changed to 95.00 x 143.00 mm starting from the top left edge. By moving the bottom and right edges using the respective difference values, the TrimBox can be altered to the exact size needed.

By executing this fixup the result should look like the corrected version "Inaccurate_TrimBox_End.pdf".

Figure 2: A comparison of the source and target files.

before/after image

Article update: Version 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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