User Manual

3.4 Add a Dieline from the Center

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Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to create a Dieline with the specified height and width, starting from the center of the image.

2. General

Use the Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center to create a Dieline in the desired size. The file center - the MediaBox is used as a reference - is used as the origin for the creation.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Object in the Category area,
  • activating the option Create in the Action area,
  • activating the option Dieline or Spot Color in the Search area.

3. Description

This Fixup creates an overprinting Dieline in the desired size, starting from the center of the image (MediaBox). Optionally, create a second Dieline at the specified offset. The Dielines are assigned to the group and type of the intended processing stage in accordance with ISO 19593-1.

Image center of the TrimBox

When you want to ensure that the image center is in line with the image center of the existing TrimBox, first set the MediaBox with an absolute offset to the TrimBox. Corresponding Fixups are available for this. The most suitable Fixup is probably Set PageBoxes based on Final Size.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For the Fixup to do what it promises, no special circumstances are required.

The Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center  consists of three individual Fixups that have been combined in one dialog. It is possible to activate selected Fixups and thereby execute them.

Figure 1: The dialog of the Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center

The individual Fixups are described in detail below:

3.1.1. Add Dieline

This Fixup is activated by default, which is indicated by the symbol [1]. This Fixup inserts an overprinting Dieline in the desired size, starting from the center of the image.

Figure 2: The dialog of the Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center, with the Add Dieline Fixup activated with the values for the Corner Type option

The following options are available to create a Dieline from the center of the image:

  • Skip generation of the Dieline if a Dieline already exists [4] – activate this option if you want to prevent the creation of a Dieline if a Dieline already exists in the Spot Color from the Spot Color Name [19] input field.
  • Width [5] – enter the width of the Dieline to be created here. For the Variable Content [6], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the width should be retrieved.
  • Height [15] – enter the height of the Dieline to be created here. For the Variable Content [16], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the height should be retrieved.
  • Horizontal Offset [7] – enter the horizontal offset (X-axis) of the Dieline here. For the Variable Content [8], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the horizontal offset should be retrieved.
  • Vertical Offset [11] – enter the vertical offset (Y-axis) of the Dieline here. For the Variable Content [18], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the vertical offset should be retrieved.
  • Line Width [9] – enter the Line Width of the Dieline to be created here. For the Variable Content [19], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the Line Width should be retrieved.
  • Corner Type [10] – select a type for the corners in the selection menu. The following options are available:
    • Rounded – the corners of the Dieline are rounded. If the corners are not to be rounded, enter 0 mm for the Corner Radius option.
    • Beveled – the corners of the Dieline are rounded. If the corners shouldn't be rounded, enter 0 mm for the Corner Radius option.
    • Variable Content [20] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for selecting the corner type should be retrieved. The following values must be found in the selected field for the type to be selected:
      • Round
      • Bevel
  • Corner Radius [11] – enter the radius of the corners here if they are to be rounded or bevelled. For the Variable Content [21], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the corner radius should be retrieved.
  • Spot Color Name [12] – select a Technical Color in the selection menu with which the Dieline is to be created. All system-wide defined technical colors that have the Cut Contour type are available for selection.
  • Layer Name [13] – enter the name of the Layer on which the new Dieline should be created. If you do not want to create your own Layer, remove the name from the input field. For the Variable Content [22], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the layer name should be retrieved.
  • Overprint State [14] select the overprint status for the Dieline that should be created here. You can choose between Overprint and Knockout.

3.1.2. Additional Dieline

Click on the Add icon [2] (Figure 1) to activate the Fixup Additional Dieline. This Fixup can be used to create a second Dieline with the specified Offset.

Figure 3: The dialog of the Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center with activated Fixup Additional Dieline

With the exception of the Width or Height options and the Layer Name option, the same parameters are available for this Fixup as for the Add Dieline Fixup. Find a detailed description of all options in section 3.1.1.

3.1.3. Add Processing Steps (ISO 19593-1) Information

This Fixup is activated by default, which is indicated by the symbol [3] (Figure 1). Add all information on processing steps (ISO 19593-1) for the newly created Layer with this Fixup.

All subsequently added Dielines should be created by default according to ISO 19593-1 on the Structural layer in the Structural group of the Cutting type. Find further information on the ISO standard in the article Processing Steps ISO 15931-1.

Figure 4: The dialog of the Fixup Add a Dieline from the Center with activated Fixup Add Processing Steps (ISO 19593-1) Information

The following options can be selected to add information on processing steps:

  • Gruppe [23] – select which group the Layer should belong to in the selection menu. The following options are available:
    • Structure – contains all objects that describe downstream processing steps in final processing.
    • Dimensions – contains all objects that are used to specify sizes (lines, arrows and also the labeling (units of measurement)).
    • Braille – includes all objects that display Braille texts and information.
    • Legend – contains all objects that are used to describe administrative e.g. product information and technical information e.g. control strips outside the printed product.
    • Positions – include all objects that are used to position information for various graphic and non-graphic elements.
    • White – includes all objects that must be printed with the printing color white in order to print objects with a more intense color on metallic or transparent media.
    • Varnish – includes all objects that need to be finished with varnish.
    • Variable Content [24] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for selecting the group should be retrieved. The following values must be found in the selected field for the group to be selected:
      • Structural
      • Dimensions
      • Braille
      • Legend
      • Positions
      • White
      • Varnish
  • Type [25] – in the selection menu, select which type the Layer should belong to. For the Variable Content [26], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the type should be retrieved. The following values must be found in the selected field so that the type is selectable:
    • Cutting
    • PartialCutting
    • ReversePartialCutting
    • Creasing
    • ReverseCreasing
    • CuttingCreasing
    • ReverseCuttingCreasing
    • PartialCuttingCreasing
    • ReversePartialCuttingCreasing
    • Drilling
    • Gluing
    • FoilStamping
    • ColdFoilStamping
    • Embossing
    • Debossing
    • Perforating
    • Bleed
    • VarnishFree
    • InkFree
    • InkVarnishFree
    • Folding
    • Punching
    • Stapling

Figure 5: Left: values in the selected field for the option Group; Right: values int he selected field for the option Type

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, refer to the sample file "Sample_Add Dieline from Center.pdf". The file has a size of 200 x 200 mm. Now a Dieline of 190 x 180 mm is to be created, starting from the center of the image.

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Add Dieline from Center_End.pdf" is created. A Dieline was created here in the specified size. The values from Figures 2 and 4 were used for this.

Figure 6: Left: initial file; Right: edited file for which a Dieline was created

Article update: Workflow 1.17.2 – 06/2024

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