User Manual – Durst

3.42 Create Colored Bleed

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Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Fixup Create Colored Bleed is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to create a Bleed colored in the desired Fill area so that a Print Item can be enlarged accordingly.

2. General

The Fixup Create Colored Bleed can be used to for example, to create an existing background area around the desired Bleed in the respective color.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Page in the Category area,
  • activating the option Create in the Action area,
  • activating the option Bleed or Shape in the Search area.

3. Description

This Fixup can be used to create a Bleed filled with the desired color. A new Bleed can be created or an existing Bleed can be removed and replaced with the new Bleed. A defined CMYK value or a system-wide defined Spot Color can be used for the fill color.

Use this Fixups, for example, to create a Print Item that is placed on a monochrome background area with a Bleed in the same color definition.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For this Fixup to do what it promises, the following requirements must be met:

  • the background area of the Print Item is monochrome
  • the background area is used on all four edges of the Print Item
  • the fill color of the background area is either CMYK or a Spot Color
  • Print Items can have a Bleed that is already too small or no Bleed at all

Figure 1: The dialog Create Colored Bleed

You can use the following options to create a colored Bleed:

  • Create Bleed on [1] - select from which starting point the new Bleed should be created in the drop-down menu. The following options are available:
  • ImageBox - the Bleed is created from the ImageBox
  • ImageBox + Bleed - the Bleed is created from the ImageBox + Bleed
  • Remove Existing Bleed [2] - by selecting this option, an existing Bleed is removed and replaced by the "new" Bleed.
  • Bleed [3] - by entering the desired values, the Bleed for Top, Bottom, Left and/or Right is created based on the selected entry in the Create Bleed On [1] selection menu. For the Variable Content [6], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the respective Bleed should be retrieved.
  • Select Spot Color [4]  - by clicking on this option, a system-wide defined Spot Color as well as Spot Colors in the currently loaded Print Item can be used for the Bleed that should be generated.
  • Enter CMYK color value [5] - click on this option to enter the color values in CYMK for the Bleed to be created. The color entered is displayed in the preview image.

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, you can refer to the sample file "Sample_create colored Bleed.pdf". The Print Item shows a bumblebee with flowers on a beige background. The background has the CMYK color values 20/30/60/10.

After applying the Fixups, the file "Sample_create colored Bleed_End.pdf" is created. The values from Figure 1 were used for the Fixups. The colored Bleed is therefore 5 mm.

Abbildung 2: Left: initial file; Right: edited file where a Bleed of 5 mm was added on every side

Article update: Workflow 1.17.1 – 04/2024

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