User Manual

3.31 Convert Rich Black to 100% K

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Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100% K is available in the Workflow. This Fixup aims to convert all CMYK or RGB Rich Black objects - vectors, text or both - into 100% CMYK black.

2. General

Use the Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100% K to convert different Rich Black definitions in a print file to a uniform CMYK black. Afterward, if necessary, convert it to a uniform Rich Black.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Color in the Category area,
  • activating the option Convert in the Action area,
  • activating the option Rich Black, CMYK, Vectors or Text in the Search area.

3. Description

Use this Fixup to convert CMYK or RGB deep black definitions to 100% CMYK black to better influence black via other Fixups.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

The following conditions must be met for the Fixup to do what it promises:

  • There are Rich Black elements in the file.
  • The file can contain RGB or CMYK deep black definitions.

The Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100% K consists of two individual Fixups that have been combined in one dialog.

Figure 1: The dialog of the Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100% K with the activated Fixup CMYK Rich Black

The individual Fixups are described in detail below:

3.1.1. CMYK Rich Black

This Fixup is activated by default, which is indicated by the symbol [1]. With this Fixup, all CMYK deep black definitions for the selected object type are converted to 100% CMYK black.

The following options can be used to convert CMYK Rich Black to 100% CMYK Black:

  • Apply to [3] – in the selection menu, select which object types are to be converted from CMYK Rich Black to 100% K. The following options are available:
    • Vector – all Rich Black CMYK vector objects are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Text – all Rich Black CMYK texts are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Vector and Text – all Rich Black CMYK vector and text objects are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Variable Content [6] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the selection of object types should be retrieved. The following values must be found in the selected field for the selection to be carried out:
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_CMYK_Vector
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_CMYK_Text
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_CMYK_Text_Vector
  • Minimum value for Black [4] – enter the threshold value that must be exceeded for K in CMYK for Rich Black to be present. All other channels in CMYK must together exceed the percentage value defined in the Minimum Total Ink Coverage in CMYK option. For the Variable Content [7], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the minimum value for black should be retrieved.
  • Minimal Ink Coverage for CMYK [5] – determines the Total Ink Coverage that must be exceeded for a Rich Black to be detected. For the Variable Content [8], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the minimum value of the total job should be retrieved.

Figure 2: Values in the selected field for the option Apply to

3.1.2. RGB Rich Black

Click on the Add icon [2] (Figure 1) to activate the Fixup RGB Rich Black. This Fixup converts all RGB deep black definitions for the selected object type to 100% CMYK black.

The following options can be used to convert RGB Rich Black to 100% CMYK black:

  • Apply to [9] – select which object types should be converted from RGB Rich Black to 100% K in the selection menu. The following options are available:
    • Vector – all Rich Black RGB vector objects are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Text – all Rich Black RGB texts are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Vector and Text – all Rich Black RGB vector and text objects are converted to 100% CMYK black.
    • Variable Content [13] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the selection of object types should be retrieved. The following values must be present in the selected field for the selection to be carried out:
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_RGB_Vector
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_RGB_Text
      • ReferenzCheck_DeepBlack_RGB_Text_Vector
  • Red [10] – enter the value for red - 0 to 255 - that must be undershot for Rich Black RGB objects to be found. For the Variable Content [14], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the maximum value of red should be retrieved.
  • Green [11] – enter the value for green - 0 to 255 - that must be undershot for Rich Black RGB objects to be found. For the Variable Content [15], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the maximum value of green should be retrieved.
  • Blue [12] – enter the value for blue - 0 to 255 - that must be undershot for Rich Black RGB objects to be found. For the Variable Content [16], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the maximum value of blue should be retrieved.

Figure 3: Left: The dialog of the Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100 % K with activated Fixup RGB Rich Black; Right: Values in the selected field for the option Apply to

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, refer to the sample file "Sample_Convert Rich Black to 100% K.pdf". The Print Item show two ravens. The raven on the left was created with CMYK Rich Black (10/0/0/100). The raven on the right, on the other hand, was colored with RGB Rich Black (10/10/10). Both deep black definitions should now be converted to 100% K.

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Convert Rich Black to 100% K_End.pdf" is created. Here, both the CMYK Rich Black and the RGB Rich Black were converted to 100% K. The values from Figure 1 and Figure 3 were used for this.

Figure 4: Left: initial file; Right: edited file where the RGB Rich Black was converted to 100% K

Article update: Workflow 1.17.2 – 06/2024

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