User Manual – Durst

3.11 Add Grommets/Drillholes

Updated on

In this Article, you will learn

  • which requirements must be met for this Fixup and
  • how to apply this Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Workflow provides the Fixup Add Grommets/Drillholes that adds grommet or drillholes on the desired edge, based on quantity or spacing.

2. General

Use the Fixup Add Grommets/Drillholes to add grommets or drillholes to the selected horizontal or vertical edges.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order, or Production Job by

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • selecting the LFP option in the Category area,
  • selecting the Add option in the Action area, as well as by
  • selecting the Eyelet or Drilling option in the Search area.

3. Description

This Fixup allows to add marks grommets or drillholes to the Print Item at the selected position and spacing. Define the size and color of the marks in the Advanced tab.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

The Fixup only works if there are no special characters.

Figure 1: The Basic Settings and Advanced tab of the Fixup Add Grommets/Drillholes dialog

To add marks for grommets or drillholes, the user can refer to the following options:

  • Template [1] Settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Article/Print Items.

Basic Settings

  • Create Grommets for [2] Use the drop-down menu to select the area in which the grommets or drillholes should be created. The following options are available:
    • ImageBox – the grommet or drillhole marks are added within the ImageBox. All further options refer to the ImageBox. Therefore, make sure that the ImageBox has been placed on the correct Page Box.
    • ImageBox + Bleed –  the grommet or hole marks are added within the ImageBox + Bleed. All further options refer to the ImageBox + Bleed. The value of the expected Bleed is used for the Bleed. Therefore, make sure that the expected Bleed matches the actual Bleed.
  • Type [3]use the drop-down menu to select the method by which the grommet or drillhole marks should be generated. The following options are available:
    • Grommets by Distance  – the grommet or drillhole marks are generated at the specified distance. The distance can be selected for top, bottom, left and/or right.
      • Reference Edge [5]by clicking on the respective edge, the reference edge  at which the grommet or drillhole marks should be set  can be selected.
      • Top, Bottom, Left, Right [4]enter the desired maximum distance between the individual grommet or drillhole marks here. Depending on the settings, the distance between the respective grommet or drillhole marks may be slightly reduced. For Variable Content [8], select the desired placeholder  database field or user-defined field  from which the value for the respective maximum distance should be retrieved.
      • Offset Top, Offset Bottom, Offset Left or Offset Right [6]enter the desired offset of the grommet or hole marks from the respective edge top, bottom, left or right to the ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed. For the Variable Content [9], select the desired placeholder  database field or user-defined field  from which the value for the respective offset should be retrieved.
    • Grommets by Number – the eyelet or drillhole marks are created by entering the desired number for top, bottom, left and/or right.
      • Number Top, Number Bottom, Number Left or Number Right enter the desired number of grommet or drillhole marks for each edge here. The distance between the marks is thus determined by the side length of the Print Item. Select the desired placeholder  database field or custom field  for the Variable Content [8], from which the value for the number of marks per page should be retrieved.
      • Offset Top, Offset Bottom, Offset Left or Offset Right [6] enter the desired offset of the grommmet or drillhole marks from the respective edge top, bottom, left or right to the ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed. For the Variable Content [9], select the desired placeholder  database field or custom field  from which the value for the respective offset should be retrieved.
    • Remove Grommets on Layer Grommet [7] by default, added grommet or drillhole marks are placed on the Grommet layer the first time the Fixup is applied. If the Fixup has to be reapplied due to an error, activating this option deletes the previously applied grommet or hole marks before the new marks are placed on the layer.


  • Width [10]enter the desired width for the respective grommet or drillhole markers here. For the Variable Content [11], select the desired placeholder  database field or user-defined field  from which the value for the width should be retrieved.
  • Height [18] enter the desired height for the respective grommets or drillhole markers here. For the Variable Content [19], select the desired placeholder  database field or user-defined field  from which the value for the height should be retrieved.
  • Fill Color [12] enter the CMYK values for the area of the grommets or drillhole markers here. The values you enter will be displayed in the preview image.
  • Overprint Status [13] select the overprint status for the color area of the grommets or drillhole markers here. Choose between Overprint and Knockout.
  • Line Width [14] enter the line width for the circular grommets or drillhole marks. Select the desired placeholder  database field or user-defined field  for the Variable Content [20], from which the value for the line width should be retrieved.
  • CMYK or Spot Color [15] by clicking on the respective option, select whether the stroke should be a CMYK color entered by the user or a system-wide defined Spot Color.
  • Stroke Color [16] Enter the CMYK values for the stroke of the grommets here if you have selected the CMYK option for entering the stroke color. Otherwise, select the desired Spot Color from the drop-down menu.
  • Overprint Status [17] Select the overprint status for the grommets here. Choose between Overprint and Knockout.

3.2. Before/After

Refer to the example file "Sample_Add Grommets/Drillholes.pdf" for a demonstration of this function. The file is 4000 x 1200 mm in size and has a bleed of 70 mm. Grommets should be added at 500 mm intervals and an offset of 35 mm for the upper and lower edges. The grommets themselves have a diameter of 30 mm.

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Add Grommets/Drillholes_End.pdf" is created. Grommets or drillholes were added at approximately 500 mm intervals for both the upper and lower edges. The values from Figure 1 were used for this.

Figure 2: Top: initial file in the Print Item Editor; Bottom: revised file with grommets and drillholes added, in the Print Item Editor

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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