User Manual

3.10 Add Edge Reinforcement

Updated on

Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Fixup Add Edge Reinforcement is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to enlarge the Print Items on the selected pages by the entered value.

2. General

The Fixup Add Edge Reinforcement can be used to add an additional white border - starting from the ImageBox - to enlarge the format.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Page Content in the Category area,
  • activating the option Add in the Action area,
  • activating the option Edge Reinforcement in the Search area.

3. Description

This fixup can be used to add an edge reinforcement for each page, starting from the ImageBox. Therefore, make sure that the ImageBox is placed on the correct Page Box.

Adjusting the Page Boxes

The TrimBox remains at its original size after applying the Fixup.

The BleedBox is enlarged by the entered edge reinforcement. Example: If the BleedBox is originally 200 x 200 mm and a edge reinforcement allowance of 40 mm is added for all four sides, the BleedBox will ultimately have a size of 280 x 280 mm (40 mm per side).

To avoid errors, the CropBox and MediaBox are set 1 mm outwards from the BleedBox.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For the Fixups to do what they promise, no special circumstances are required.

Figure 1: The dialog of the Fixup Add Edge Reinforcement

The following option is available to add an edge reinforcement:

Margins [1] - enter the respective value for the edge reinforcement for Top, Bottom, Left and Right here. Enter the values individually by clicking on the lock symbol. For the Variable Content [2], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the respective margin should be retrieved.

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, refer to the sample file "Sample_Edge Reinforcement.pdf". The file has a size of 200 x 200 mm and a Bleed of 3 mm. Add an edge reinforcement of 40 mm to all sides of the Print Item, starting from the ImageBox (the TrimBox was used for the ImageBox).

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Edge Reinforcement.pdf" is created, where a production allowance of 40 mm was added starting from the ImageBox.

Figure 2: Left: initial file; Right: edited file where an edge reinforcement of 40 mm was added

Article update: Workflow 1.17.2 – 08/2024

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