User Manual

3.13 Add Overlay

Updated on

Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Fixup Overlay PDF on Print Item/Article is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to place a selected file on the Print Item in the selected origin and position.

2. General

The Fixup Add Overlay can be used to overlay another file on the Print Item. The user has the option of editing the added file in a variety of ways.

Use this Fixups to perform the following operations:

  • Place a One-Up on a Print Item
  • Apply an existing white separation or a varnish separation to a Print Item
  • Place a transparent watermark over a design
  • Place a company logo on a Print Item

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Pages in the Category area,
  • activating the option Place in the Action area,
  • activating the option Overlay in the Search area.

3. Description

This Fixup can be used to place a file on the Print Item according to the selected origin and position. The file that should be overlaid can be taken from the list of Print Items/Articles in the Workflow or from a directory on the Workflow server.

For example, if you want to place a Dieline on the Print Item, select "Multiply" in the Blend Mode option. The "Not isolated" entry must be selected for the Transparency group option. The reason for this is that underlying objects should not be set to Knockout.

If a PDF containing transparent objects is placed on the Print Item, the "Multiply" entry must also be selected for the Blend Mode option and the "Not isolated" entry must be selected for the Transparency Group option. This offsets the transparencies contained in the PDF against the background. If the "Isolated" entry is selected for the Transparency Group option, the entire PDF is multiplied against the Print Items. This means that the existing transparencies in the PDF are isolated and therefore not offset against the background.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For the Fixup to do what it promises, the following requirements must be met:

  • The file path leads to a file that has been stored in the correct directory on the server.
  • The Print Item that should be placed is available as a PDF.
  • The file that should be placed is available in its original size.
  • Files larger than 5.08 meters can also be processed.
  • The file extensions .ps, .eps, .pn, .tiff, .tif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .psd (from version 8.1), .psb (from version 11), .html, .htm and .svg can be processed for the placed file.

Figure 1: The dialog of the Fixup Overlay PDF on Print Item/Article

To overlay a Print Item on a PDF select from the following options:

  • Templates [1] – settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Articles/Print Items.
  • Overlay Source [2] – select here where the PDF file or Print Item that should be overlaid can be found. The following options are available:
    • File from File System – if this option is selected, the file that should be overlaid must be located on the workflow server. The file path must be specified in the designated line.
    • From Print Item list – if this option is selected, a Print Item that is found in the Print Item list in the workflow can be selected from the selection menu.
  • File Path [3] – enter the path that leads to PDF file that should be overlaid. Note that the file has to present on a Workflow server. If the option From Print Item list is selected as the Overlay Source, you will find the selection menu for Print Items here.
  • Place on Page [4] – for multi-page files, it is possible to select the desired pages on which the PDF is to be superimposed. Examples for entering the page selection are provided in the info box [13]. The following entries can affect the page selection:
    • All – the file is overlaid on all pages.
    • 8 – the file is overlaid on this page.
    • 1-6 – the file is overlaid on pages 1 to 6.
    • -3-1 – the file is overlaid on the last three pages.
    • even – the file is overlaid on even pages (page number).
    • odd – the file is overlaid on odd pages (page number).
    • 1-5,8,13-16 – the file is overlaid on pages 1 to 5, page 8 and pages 13 to 16.
  • Origin [5] – select in the selection menu where the PDF should be placed. The following options are available:
    • Page Center – here, the center of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the center of the Print Items.
    • Top – here, the center of the top edge of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the center of the top edge of the Print Item.
    • Bottom – here, the center of the lower edge of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the center of the lower edge of the Print Item.
    • Left – here, the center of the left edge of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the center of the left edge of the Print Item.
    • Lower Left Corner – here, the lower left corner of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the lower left corner of the Print Items.
    • Lower Right Corner – here, the lower right corner of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the lower right corner of the Print Items.
    • Right – here, the center of the right edge of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the center of the right edge of the Print Item.
    • Upper Left Corner – here, the upper left corner of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the upper left corner of the Print Items.
    • Upper Right Corner – here, the upper right corner of the PDF file to be overlaid is placed on the upper right corner of the Print Items.
  • Offset Horizontal [6] – the PDF file that should be overlaid is moved along the x-axis (horizontally) by the value entered. "+" values move the file to the right, while "-" values move it to the left. For the Variable Content [7], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the horizontal offset should be retrieved.
  • Offset Vertical [15] – the PDF file that should be overlaid is moved along the y-axis (vertically) by the value entered. "+" values move the file up, while "-" values move it down. For the Variable Content [16], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the vertical offset should be retrieved.
  • Rotate [8] – enter desired angle for the rotation of the PDF file. For the Variable Content [17], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the rotation should be retrieved.
  • Layer Name [9] – enter desired name for the layer on which the PDF file should be created. For the Variable Content [18], select the desired placeholder - Database field or User-defined field - from which the value for the layer name should be retrieved. IF no layer should be created remove the entry in the layer name field.
  • Mark layer as non-printing [10] – by activating this option, the newly created Layer is marked as non-printing. This ensures that a watermark, for example, is displayed but not printed.
  • Blend Modus [11] – select which blend mode the line should have in the selection menu. The following options are available:
    • Normal – a line which is set to Knockout with the entered color values is created.
    • Multiply – multiplies the colors of the Print Items with the line color to be created based on the color information of the individual channels. The line is thus overprinting.
    • Overlay – performs a multiplication. The light and dark colors of the Print Item are retained. The color in the Print Item is not replaced, but mixed with the line color to reflect the light and dark colors of the Print Item.
    • Screen – performs a negative multiplication. The result is always a lighter color. If black is used as the line color, the result remains unchanged. If white is used, the line becomes white.
    • Darken – the color of the Print Items is compared with the line color and the darker color is selected as the resulting color. In other words: If the color of the line is darker, it is used. If the color of the Print Item is darker in the respective area, the color of the Print Item remains unchanged.
    • Lighten – the color of the Print Items is compared with the line color and the lighter color is selected as the resulting color. In other words: If the color of the line is lighter, it is used. If the color of the Print Item is lighter in the respective area, the color of the Print Item remains unchanged.
    • Color-dodge – the color information of the line and Print Items is used to lighten the color of the Print Item by reducing the contrast. A mixture with black would therefore not result in any changes.
    • Color-burn – the color of the Print Items is darkened by increasing the contrast based on the color information of the line and the Print Item. A mixture with white would therefore not result in any changes.
    • Soft Light – the color is lightened or darkened depending on the color of the line. If the line color is lighter than a 50 percent grey, the color of the Print Item becomes lighter. If the line color is darker than a 50 percent gray, the color of the Print Item becomes darker. The effect corresponds to illuminating the image with spotlights.
    • Hard Light – the color is lightened or darkened depending on the color of the line. If the line color is lighter than a 50 percent grey, the color of the Print Item becomes darker. If the line color is darker than a 50 percent grey, the color of the Print Item becomes lighter. The effect corresponds to illuminating the image with diffuse light.
    • Hue – the color of the line is used from the hue of the line color and the saturation or luminance of the Print Item color.
    • Exclusion – the color information of the Print Item and the line with the lower brightness value is subtracted from the line with the higher brightness value. If the color white is selected for the line, the color of the Print Item is reversed. A black line results in no change.
    • Luminosity – a result is generated from the hue and saturation of the subject color and the luminance of the line color.
    • Saturation –  a result is generated from the luminance and hue of the subject color and the saturation of the line color.
    • Color – a result is generated from the luminance of the subject color and the hue and saturation of the line color. The gray levels are retained.
  • Transparency Group [12] – in the selection menu select how transparencies should be handled in the PDF file. The following options are available:
    • Isolated – the transparencies of the placed file are isolated and therefore not calculated against the background of the Print Item.
    • Not Isolated – the transparencies of the placed file are not isolated and thus calculated against the background of the Print Item.

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, refer to the sample file "Sample_Overlay PDF.pdf". The file contains four Print Items that should be cutted out. The file "Sample_Overlay PDF Dieline.pdf" contains the matching Dielines. With the Fixup, both files should now be placed on top of each other.

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Overlay PDF_End.pdf" is created, where the Dielines have been placed on the Print Item. The values from Figure 1 were used.

Figure 2: From left to right: initial file on which the Dielines should be placed; the Dielines of the file that should be placed; edited file where the PDF files were overlaid

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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