User Manual – Durst

3.50 Crop to Visible Area

Updated on

Find out in this article,

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Crop to Visible Area Fixup is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to crop all pages of a Print Item to the visible area in order to remove additional unprinted margins in a file.

2. General

The Fixup Crop to Visible Area can be used when cropping a Print Item to the currently visible area. The option to ignore crop marks and use a safety margin is available.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Page in the Category area,
  • activating the option Crop in the Action area,
  • activating the option All Pages, TrimBox, CropBox as well as Registration Marks in the Search area.

3. Description

With this Fixup, all pages are cropped to the visible area. Objects on hidden layers that are not visible in the Print Item are cropped by this Fixup, but not removed. The TrimBox is adjusted to the visible Print Items. A safety margin can also be set. The user can decide whether crop marks are taken into account when cropping.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For the Fixup to do what they promise, the following conditions must be met:

  • Unprinted areas are outside the visible area.
  • Print Items can optionally contain invisible elements or hidden layers
  • Crop marks can be present optionally

Figure 1: The Crop to Visible Area dialog

The following options are available for cropping to the visible area:

  • Safety Margin [1]- determine how large the safety margin should be. For the variable content [3], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the safety margin should be retrieved.
  • Ignore CropMarks [3] - by ticking the box, the crop marks are ignored and not taken into account when trimming.

3.2. Before/After

Use the sample file "Sample_Ebenen.pdf" to experiment with this function. There is an unprinted area around the file that is not expected in the print. It is therefore advisable to crop the Print Items/Article to the visible area.

After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Ebenen_End.pdf" is created. Here the file has been cropped to the visible area with a safety margin of 3 mm.

Figure 2: Left: initial file; Right: edited file where the visible area was cropped with a safety margin of 3 mm Datei

Article update: Workflow 1.17.1 – 04/2024

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