User Manual

4.1 Create a Fixup without a Variable

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In this article, you will learn

  • what it takes to create your own Fixup,
  • how to create a KFPX file, and
  • what to define in the associated XML file.

1. Introduction

Numerous Fixups are available in the Workflow, which users can use to manually or automatically check and correct files. In addition, you can also create your own Fixups and upload them to the Workflow. Your own Fixups can then be used in the same way as all other Fixups that are already available.

However, a few requirements must be met to ensure that your own Fixups work. The following describes how Fixups can be created without additional parameters.

2. Create Fixup

In the Workflow, the check and/or Fixup instructions that were created with callas pdfToolbox are used. To use your own Fixup in the Workflow, two essential components are required:

  1. KFPX file – this file type comes from callas pdfToolBox. In the desktop application, the individual Fixups are created and the profiles are then exported as a .kfpx file.
  2. XML file – the .xml file is the textual and structural description of the. KFPX file. It describes all the variables present, defines parts of the dialog window appearance in the Workflow, and offers the user search options for finding the Fixup.

The .kfpx and .xml files must match in order to access the Fixup in the Workflow. The following Article will show you how to structure your .kfpx and .xml files for the Workflow.

Using callas pdfToolbox

Knowledge of how to use callas pdfToolbox is required to create your own Fixup. You can find a detailed description of callas pdfToolBox in the callas user manual.

Give KFPX and XML files the same name

To avoid losing track of which KFPX and XML files belong together, we recommend that you give the files the same name. This way, you can see at a glance which KFPX file belongs to which XML file.

2.1. Create and export a Fixup in callas pdfToolbox

To create a Fixup and use it in the Workflow, a KFPX file is needed in which the Fixup or the check is described. To do this, use the callas pdfToolbox program. This allows you to put together the desired Fixup according to your ideas and then export the profile as a kfpx file.

For this description, we have already created a Fixup using callas pdfToolbox and then exported it. The aim of this Fixup is to rotate the page 90° clockwise.

The sample files are available for download in 3. Sample files.

2.2. XML Description for creating Fixups

After the KFPX file has been created, the XML file must be added. Among other things, the automationKey [4] – which has to be unique throughout the entire Workflow is defined in the XML file. Fixups can only be used if both the KFPX file and the corresponding XML file are uploaded to the Workflow.

The basic structure of an XML file is always the same. It is only extended by the description of the individual variables or elements in the XML.

Figure 1: Left: The XML file for the Fixup Page Rotated 90 Clockwise; Right: The Fixup's dialog in the Workflow

The following basic structure must be present in the XML file for the Fixup, without a controllable variable, to work in the Workflow:

  • Version and encoding [1] – this line is present in every XML file and is typically the first line in an XML file. Among other things, it defines the character encoding – UTF-8 – of the file.
  • Author, version, and modified [2] – for traceability, this describes who created this file (Author), which version of the file it is (Version), and when the file was created (modified).
  • Variable Analyze Mode [3] – defines the style in which the Fixup dialog is to be set up. If you enter XML_BASED_V2, the dialog is set up in the style of the new user interface (available from 01/2023). This means that the dialogs will look the same as the ones you are already familiar with from the other Fixups.

Old standard XML_BASED

Please note that XML files with the old structure with the entry XML_Based are no longer supported as of version 1.19.0. You should therefore take all precautions to rewrite the old structure of the XML file to the new structure XML_BASED_V2.

  • automationKey [4] – this line defines the automationKey, which is needed, among other things, to call up the Fixup via the Rest API. Please note that this automationKey must be unique and cannot occur a second time in the Workflow!
  • Name of Fixup [5] – this is used to determine the name of the Fixup. The name entered here is ultimately displayed in the Workflow in the list of Fixups.  In principle, the Fixup can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will not work without the English description, even if all other languages have been translated. If a language is not translated, the English translation is used instead.
  • Description of Fixup [6] – Enter a description of the Fixup here. This is the short informational text that you will find for each Fixup.
  • FixupResultMode/checkResultMode [7] – These two lines must currently be included in the XML. They are required for internal Workflow processes and are therefore essential.
    • <FixupResultMode>DEFAULT_CHECKIN</FixupResultMode> – determines that the check-in profile used for uploading is re-applied after the Fixup has been executed.
    • <checkResultMode>APPEND_RESULT_ALL</checkResultMode> – determines that all messages and additional files resulting from the Fixup are loaded for the respective Article/Print Item.
  • Fixup [8] – the individual Fixups are entered in this area. The minimum entry for a Fixup can be seen in the example XML file. For more extensive Fixups, values or variables can also be added.
    The following attributes must be assigned for a Fixup:
    • Key – define the unique key for this Fixup here.
      • This key must be unique in the Fixup and therefore must not be the same as the automationKey!
      • Please note that this key must also be unique in a Fixup Chain! Therefore, consider using your own consistent naming convention for naming Fixups!
    • execute – attribute indicates whether the Fixup is executed or not. Therefore, only the values true or false can be specified. true stands for execute and false for not execute.
    • sortIndex – attribute is used to specify the positioning of the Fixup within the dialog. This value comes into play when several Fixups from the pdfToolbox are used for a Fixup in the Workflow.
    • hidden – this attribute indicates whether the Fixup is visible in the Workflow or not. Therefore, only the values true or false can be specified. true stands for hide and false for display. This allows you to determine whether a Fixup, which is applied, should not be displayed.

Using the KFXP file for versions lower than 14

The callas pdfToolbox 14 was used to create the KFPX sample file. Note that the KFPX sample file can no longer be imported into callas pdfToolBox versions older than 14.0. In versions older than 14.x, the KFPX sample file can always be imported in!

The KFPX sample files used in the user manual can only be uploaded in Workflow versions 1.14.0 and higher. For all earlier versions, e.g. 1.13.x, 1.12.x or 1.11.x, KFPX files created with callas pdfToolBox 14 or higher cannot be used.

3. Sample Files

KFPX file: Here you can download the KFPX file "ROTATE_PAGE_90_CLOCKWISE.kfpx" for the described example.

XML file: Here you can download the XML file "ROTATE_PAGE_90_CLOCKWISE.xml" for the described example.

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 09/2024

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