User Manual – Durst

3.68 Flatten Form XObjects

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In this Article, you will learn

  • which requirements must be met for this Fixup and
  • how you can apply this Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Resolve Form XObjects Fixup is available in the Workflow. This Fixup aims to resolve all form XObjects in the data stream of a PDF file and thus make all containing objects editable.

2. General

The Fixup Flatten Form XObjects can be used to resolve form XObjects within a file. This can sometimes drastically increase the file size, but it also allows the individual objects to be edited.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order, or Production Job by:

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the Page Content option in the Category area,
  • activating the Reduce and Optimize options in the Process area.

3. Description

Mit dieser Korrektur können Form XObjects in einem Datenstrom einer PDF-Datei aufgelöst werden. Wenden Sie diese Korrektur unter anderem an, wenn Sie ein mehrseitiges Dokument in einzelne Seiten aufteilen und im Anschluss überlappende Vektoren und Bilder entfernen wollen.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

For the Fixup to do what it promises, the following requirements must be met:

  • Form XObjects are located within the Fixup.

Figure 1: The dialog of the Fixup Flatten Form XObjects

It is not possible to refer to any further options.

3.2. Before/After

Please refer to the example file "Sample_Flatten Form XObjects.pdf" for more information on how this function works. The text in the file is a Form XObject.

After running the Fixup, the file Sample_Flatten Form XObjects_End.pdf is created, where the Form XObject has been resolved and the text is editable again. Visually, there are no changes, but the file could be significantly larger, especially if you have a print file in which the Bleed has been created by mirroring the content.

Figure 2: Left: initial file; Right: revised file without form XObjects

Flatten Form XObjects

If you want to edit a Print Item with Form XObjects in the PDF Editor, you can also resolve the Form XObjects there to edit all the content of the Print Item.

Artikel update: Workflow 1.19.1 – 02/2025

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