User Manual – Durst

3.122 Set Page Geometry Boxes

Updated on

Learn in this article,

  • which requirements must be met for this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

The Set Page Box Fixup is available in the Workflow. The aim of this Fixup is to set the Page Boxes - MediaBox, TrimBox and BleedBox - for a Print Item in order to determine the size and position of the three Page Boxes.

2. General

Use the Set Page Boxes Fixup if you want to change the position and size of the TrimBox and adjust the BleedBox based on the TrimBox. Furthermore, you can use the Fixup if you want to enlarge the MediaBox to create an empty frame for a Print Item.

You can find this Fixup in the footer of the Document Information and User–defined Fields area under the Print Data tab of an Article, Production Job or Order or in the Data Preparation tab.

3. Fixup Description

After opening the Fixup, the current width and height of the Media or TrimBox are shown as well as the currently set Bleed. Before you make a change, first select a Starting Point for which all changes should be made. Then you can enter the following settings:

  • For the MediaBox, you can only change the width and the height.
  • For the TrimBox, in addition to the width and height, you can also enter an offset for the X or Y values to select a different section of an image for production.
  • To create the BleedBox, the distance from the TrimBox can be entered for all four sides: top, bottom, left and right.

In addition the CropBox is set to the size of the MediaBox when the Fixup is executed.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

In order for this Fixup to work correctly, the following requirements must be met:

  • A TrimBox must exist in the Print Item. The MediaBox exists in every PDF file by default.
  • The BleedBox can be available.
  • The Bleed for the Print Item already exists.

Figure 1: The Set Page Boxes dialog.    

set page geometry image

You can choose from the following options:

  • Starting point [1] – determine from where the change of the Page Boxes will be carried out. There are nine options to choose from.
    • Center – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical center of the Print Item.
    • Upper Left Corner – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical upper left corner of the Print Item.
    • Upper Right Corner – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical upper right corner of the Print Item.
    • Lower Left Corner – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical lower left corner of the Print Item.
    • Bottom Right Corner – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical bottom right corner of the Print Item.
    • Top Center – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical top center of the Print Item.
    • Bottom Center – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical bottom center of the Print Item.
    • Center Left – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical center left of the Print Item.
    • Center Right – Creates the width and height of the Media- or TrimBox starting from the horizontal and vertical center right of the Print Item.
    • Variable Content [5] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the starting point is retrieved. The following value has to present in the selected field so that the starting point is carried out:
      • Center
      • UpperLeft
      • UpperRight
      • LowerLeft
      • LowerRight
      • Top
      • Bottom
      • Left
      • Right

Figure 2: Values in the selected field for the option starting point

MediaBox [2] – by entering the values determine how the MediaBox should change.

  • Width – displays the current width of the MediaBox. Entering a different value will recreate the width of the MediaBox, starting from the selected starting point.
  • Height – displays the current height of the MediaBox. Entering a different value will recreate the width of the MediaBox, starting from the selected starting point.
  • Variable Content [6] – select the desired placeholder - database or user-defined field - from which the value for the height or width or the x- and y offset should be retrieved.

TrimBox [3] – by entering values determine how the TrimBox should change.

  • X-Offset – Specifies the offset by which the width of the TrimBox is to be shifted, starting from the selected starting point.
  • Y–Offset – Specifies the offset by which the height of the TrimBox should be shifted starting from the selected starting point.
  • Width – Displays the current width of the TrimBox. By entering another value, the width of the TrimBox, starting from the selected starting point plus X–offset, will be newly created.
  • Height – Displays the current height of the TrimBox. Entering a different value will recreate the height of the TrimBox, starting from the selected starting point plus Y offset.
  • Variable Content [7] – select the desired placeholder - database or user-defined field - from which the value for the height or width should be retrieved.

BleedBox [4] – by entering values determine at which distance the BleedBox should be set to the TrimBox

  • Top – Creates the BleedBox at the defined distance from the TrimBox on the top.
  • Bottom – Creates the BleedBox at the defined distance from the TrimBox on the bottom.
  • Left – Creates the BleedBox at the defined distance from the TrimBox on the left.
  • Right – Creates the BleedBox at the defined distance to the TrimBox on the right.
  • Variable Content [8] – select the desired placeholder - database or user-defined field - from which the value for the height or width should be retrieved.

3.2. Before/After

In the source file "Set_PageBox_Start" the MediaBox has a size of 600 x 400 mm and a TrimBox size of 430 x 280 mm. The BleedBox is exactly in the same position as the TrimBox.

Task: the Print Item should be produced using a size of 420 x 280 mm (visible format) with a bleed of 10 mm, which results in a production format of 440 x 300 mm. In addition, the crop for the visible format is to be shifted 10 mm to the right, as this results in a more interesting image detail. The values from Figure 1 are applied to the output file.

Applying the Fixup results in the version "Set_PageBox_End". Note that by offsetting the TrimBox by 10 mm and adding a 10 mm bleed on the right side, there is not enough bleed in the Print Item. To synchronize the Media and CropBox with the BleedBox, we recommend using the Synchronize Selected Page Geometry Fixup.  The reason is that in the case of a TrimBox offset, the MediaBox can be set in size but not offset.

Figure 3: Comparing the files before and after applying the Fixup.

before/after image

Article update: Version 1.17.1 - 04/2024

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