User Manual – Durst

3.129 Step and Repeat

Updated on

In this article you will learn

  • which requirements must be met to carry out this Fixup and
  • how to apply the Fixup.

1. Introduction

In the Workflow the Step and Repeat Fixup is available. The aim of this Fixup is to create repetitions of Print Items in the form of a grid. Among other things, users can select different layout templates and Winding Types for repeating the Print Item.

2. General

The Step and Repeat Fixup can be used to create repetitions of a Print Item in a column, on a page, in a grid or in a row. Depending on the layout specifications, the vertical or horizontal spacing, a Bleed or a margin can be specified for the repeat. This Fixup can be particularly advantageous for the packaging industry, as there is no need to create a separate Imposition for the arrangement of repetitions.

Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by

  • entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
  • activating the option Packaging in the Category area,
  • activating the option Create in the Action area,
  • activating the option Grid in the Search area.

3. Description

Print Items can be imposed multiple times on the selected Artboards with this Fixup. The information on the number of Print Items on the Artboard and the layout itself is entered in the metadata of the generated PDF.

3.1. Requirements and Functionality

No special requirements need to be met for the Fixup to do what they promise.

Only one Print Item

Please note that only the selected Print Item can be placed on the Artboard with this Fixup. If you want to place different Print Items in a grid, you must do this in the Impose Editor in Step & Repeat Impose Mode or in Nesting Impose Mode.

3.1.1. Common Options for all Layout Templates

Different options are available for each layout template in this dialog to create the Artboard with a grid for a Print Item. However, the following options are available for all layout templates:

  • Template [1] – settings selected in the dialog can be saved as a template and thus applied to other Articles/Print Items.
  • Layout Specification [2] – The desired layout template can be selected in the selection menu. The following options are available:
    • One Column – the repetitions are placed in a column with a minimum vertical spacing.
    • Fill Sheet – the repetitions are placed on a defined Artboard while maintaining a minimum vertical and horizontal spacing.
    • Grid - Columns x Rows – the repetitions are placed in a defined grid (rows x columns) while maintaining a minimum vertical and horizontal spacing.
    • One Row – the repetitions are placed in a line with a minimum horizontal spacing.
  • Winding Type [3] – Print Items can be rotated using the Winding Type. The following options are available:
    • Top off First (0°) – Print Items are not rotated.
    • Right Side off First (90°) – Print Items are rotated 90° clockwise.
    • Bottom off First (180°) – Print Items are rotated by 180°.
    • Left Side off First (270°) – the word is rotated 270° clockwise.
    • Variable Content [4] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the Winding Type is to be taken. The following values must be found in the selected field for the rotation to be executed:
      • 0
      • 90
      • 180
      • 270

Figure 1: Left: The Step and Repeat dialog with selected Layout Template One Column; Right: Values that can be found in the selected field for the Winding Type option

3.1.2. Layout Template "One Column"

By selecting the Layout Template [5] One Column, you can place a Print Item as often as possible in a column at the specified column height.

Figure 2: The Step and Repeat dialog with the Layout Template One Column

The following options for placing Print Items are available in Layout Template [5] One Column:

  • Layout Height [6] – enter the desired Impose height for the column. For the Variable Content [11], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the layout height should be retrieved.
  • Additional Margin Top [7] – enter the value for an additional margin at the top of the column to determine the start position for the first item. For the Variable Content [12], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the additional margin on top should be retrieved.
  • Spacing vertical [8] – enter the minimum value for the vertical spacing here, on the basis of which the Print Items that should placed can then be calculated. Please note that the spacing can also be larger on the one hand and that the newly calculated spacing is inserted half at the top and half at the bottom. The additional spacing before or after ensures a continuous repeat for roll printing. For the Variable Content [13], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the vertical spacing should be retrieved.
  • Use Bleed from Print Item [9] – by activating the function, the existing Bleed from the Print Item is used to create the repeat.
  • Bleed (Left – Right) [10] – enter the value for the Bleed of the Print Items on the left and right side here. Please note that this option can only be selected if the Use Bleed from Print Item function is not selected. For the Variable Content [14], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the left and right Bleed should be retrieved.

Figure 3: Left: original file; Right: Result of the Fixup after entering the values from Figure 2

Description Figure 3

  • Initial image
    • Width = 50 mm
    • Height = 60 mm
    • Bleed = 3 mm
    • Dieline = 50 x 60 mm (TrimBox)
  • Result
    • Layout Height = 255 mm
    • Layout Width = 56 mm | is calculated from image width 50 mm + 6 mm Bleed (left/right)
    • Placed Print Items = 3
    • Vertical Spacing = 15 mm (is therefore larger than the entered minimum vertical distance of 3 mm and smaller than the Print Item height + Bleed)

3.1.3. Layout Template "Fill Page"

By selecting the Layout Template [15] Fill Page, place a Print Item as often as possible on the available Artboard in as many columns and rows as you like.

Figure 4: The dialog Step and Repeat with the Layout Template Fill Page

The following options for placing the Print Items are available in the Layout Template [15] Fill Page:

  • Width [16] – enter the desired width for the layout.  Select the desired placeholder for the Variable Content [23] – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the width should be retrieved.
  • Height [17] – enter the desired height for the layout. Select the desired placeholder for the Variable Content [24] – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the height should be retrieved.
  • Margin [18] – enter the value for the top, left, bottom or right margin here. By entering the margin, the available Artboard for placement is subtracted from the selected layout size. All values can be entered separately by clicking on the lock. For the Variable Content [25], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the respective margin should be retrieved
  • Spacing vertical [19] – enter the value for the vertical spacing between the Print Items here. For the Variable Content [26], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the vertical spacing should be retrieved.
  • Spacing horizontal [20] – enter the value for the horizontal spacing between the Print Items. For the Variable Content [27], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the horizontal spacing should be retrieved.
  • Bleed [21] – enter the value for the Bleed of the Print Items here. For the Variable Content [28], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the Bleed should be retrieved.
  • Automatically Distribute [22] – by ticking the box, the Print Items are evenly distributed on the given page.

Figure 5: Left: original file; Right: Result of the Fixup after entering the values from Figure 4

Description for Figure 5

  • Initial image
    • Width = 50 mm
    • Height = 60 mm
    • Bleed = 3 mm
    • Dieline = 50 x 60 mm (TrimBox)
  • Result
    • Layout Width = 182 mm
    • Layout Height = 212 mm
    • Spacing vertical = 3 mm
    • Spacing horizontal = 3 mm
    • Placed Print Items = 9
    • Bleed = 0 mm

3.1.4. Layout Template "Grid - Columns x Rows"

By selecting the Layout Template [29] Grid - Columns x Rows, you can place a grid of Print Items in the defined number of columns and rows.

Figure 6: The dialog Step and Repeat with the Layout Template Grid - Columns x Rows

In the Layout Template [29] Grid – Columns x Rows the following options for placing a Print Item are available:

  • Columns [30] – enter the desired number of columns here. In Variable Content [36] select the desired placeholder – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the columns should be retrieved.
  • Rows [31] – enter the desired number of rows here. In Variable Content [37] select the desired placeholder – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the rows should be retrieved.
  • Bleed [32] – enter the desired value for the Bleed here. In Variable Content [38] select the desired placeholder – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the Bleed should be retrieved.
  • Spacing horizontal [33] – enter the desired value for the horizontal spacing here. In Variable Content [39] select the desired placeholder – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the horizontal spacing should be retrieved.
  • Spacing vertical [34] – enter the desired value for the vertical spacing here. In Variable Content [40] select the desired placeholder – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the vertical spacing should be retrieved.
  • Margin [35] – enter the value for the top, left, bottom or right margin - the Spacing between the page margin and the ImageBox of the placed Print Items. All values can be entered separately by clicking on the lock. For the Variable Content [41], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the respective margin should be retrieved.

Repetitive pattern

To create a large pattern, set the vertical and horizontal spacing to 0 mm. By entering the rows and columns, you can create a large pattern in a defined size - a multiple of the width and height of the original pattern.

Figure 7: Left: original file; Right: Result of the Fixup after entering the values from Figure 6

Description of Figure 7

  • Initial image
    • Width = 50 mm
    • Height = 60 mm
    • Bleed = 3 mm
    • Dieline = 50 x 60 mm (TrimBox)
  • Result
    • Layout Width = 229 mm
    • Layout Height = 206 mm
    • Spacing vertical = 3 mm
    • Spacing horizontal = 3 mm
    • Spacing from the margins to the ImageBox of the Print Items = 10 mm
    • Placed Print Items = 12

3.1.5. Layout Template "One Row

By selecting the Layout Template [42] One Row place a Print Item as often as possible in one line on the specified Layout Width.

Figure 8: The dialog Step and Repeat with the Layout Template One Row

In the Layout Template [42] One Row the following options for placing the Print Items are available:

  • Layout Width [43] – enter the desired Layout Width for the row.  Select the desired placeholder for the Variable Content [47] – database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the Layout Width should be retrieved.
  • Additional Margin [44] – Enter the value for the left or right margin - Spacing from the edge to the ImageBox of the Print Item. All values can be entered separately by clicking on the lock. For the Variable Content [48], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the additional margin should be retrieved.
  • Abstand horizontal [45] – enter the minimum value for the horizontal Spacing here, on the basis of which the Print Items to be placed can then be calculated. Please note that the Spacing can also be larger.  For the Variable Content [49], select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the horizontal spacing should be retrieved.
  • Bleed [46] – enter the value for the Bleed of the Print Items the desired placeholder for the Variable Content [50] - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the Bleed should be retrieved.

Figure 9: Left: original file; Right: Result of the Fixup after entering the values from Figure 8

Description of Figure 9

  • Initial image
    • Width = 50 mm
    • Height = 60 mm
    • Bleed = 3 mm
    • Dieline = 50 x 60 mm (TrimBox)
  • Result
    • Layout Width = 182 mm
    • Layout Height = 66 mm | is calculated from the image height 60 mm + 6 mm Bleed (top/bottom)
    • Spacing vertical = 3 mm (the image itself has a 3 mm Bleed at the top and bottom)
    • Spacing horizontal = 3 mm (the image itself has a Bleed of 3 mm left and right)
    • Spacing from Left and Right to the ImageBox of the Print Items = 10 mm
    • Placed Print Items = 3

3.2. Before/After

To experiment with this function, refer to the example file "Sample_Step&Repeat_3mm Bleed.pdf". The example file has a size of 50 x 60 mm and has a bleed of 3 mm. In addition, a Dieline was placed on the TrimBox.

If you use the Layout Template One Column with the values from Figure 2, the following file "Sample_Step&Repeat_Eine Spalte.pdf" is created.

If you use the Layout Template Fill Sheet with the values from Figure 4, the following file "Sample_Step&Repeat_Seite füllen.pdf" is created.

If you use the Layout Template Grid – Columns x Rows with the values from Figure 6, the following file "Sample_Step&Repeat_Raster.pdf" is created.

If you use the Layout Template One Row with the values from Figure 8, the following file "Sample_Step&Repeat_Eine Zeile.pdf" is created.

Article update: 1.17.0 – 04/2024

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