Find out in this Article,
- which requirements must be met for this Fixup and
- how to apply this Fixup.
1. Introduction
The Fixup Mirror Print Items on a Specific Edge is available in the Workflow. This Fixup aims to mirror the entire Print Item along a selected edge. The respective opposite side is doubled as a result.
2. General
The Fixup Mirror Print Item on a Specific Side can be used to mirror the Print Item along the defined side to create a seamless pattern.
Use this Fixup to depict the following situations:
- Extension of a wood pattern to create an endless pattern
- Create a larger area of a pattern by applying the Fixups multiple times
Find the Fixup in the Data Preparation tab of an Article, Order or Production Job by:
- Entering the name of the Fixup in the Filter area,
- Activating the Page Content option in the Category area,
- Activating the Impose, Transform or Mirror option in the Process area .
3. Description
With this Fixup the entire Print Item can be mirrored along the selected edge. The respective other side is doubled as a result - i.e. if the left/right edge is selected, the size of the top/bottom edge is doubled; if, on the other hand, the top/bottom edge is selected, the left/right edge is doubled.
3.1. Requirements and Functionality
No special requirements need to be met for the Fixup to do what it promises.
Figure 1: The dialog for the Fixup Mirror Print Items on a Specific Edge
The following options can be selected to mirror the Print Items along a defined edge:
Page Edge [1] – select the edge on which the Print Item should be mirrored in the selection menu. The following options are available:
- Left Edge - the entire Print Item is mirrored along the left edge of the file.
- Top Edge - the entire Print Item is mirrored along the top edge of the file.
Variable Content [2] – select the desired placeholder - database field or user-defined field - from which the value for the selected side edge should be retrieved. The following value must be present in the selected field so that the selection of the side edge is executed:
Figure 2: Values in the selected field for the Page Edge option
3.2. Before/After
To experiment with this function, refer to the sample file "Sample_Mirror the Print Item on a Specific Edge.pdf". The file has a size of 100 x 100 mm. It should be mirrored along the left edge.
After applying the Fixup, the file "Sample_Mirror the Print Item on a Specific Edge_End.pdf" is created. Here, the Print Item was mirrored along the left edge, doubling the length of the top/bottom edge of the Print Item.
Figure 3: Left: initial file; Right: revised file in which the left edge of the Print Items has been mirrored
Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024